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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Smith

A socialist EU

In 2016 as a young liberal, I was horrified by the Brexit referendum which started the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Why would we abandon cooperation with our neighbours in some vain belief we could prosper without it? I asked.

Naturally my understanding of the EU was limited and as I have come to understand the science of socialism, I recognise the EU as a collaboration of imperialist nations which by themselves have lost their place as world powers. By acting as a block these countries can continue to extract wealth from the global south (and poorer EU nations) through unequal exchange.

The European Union as it exists must end, but collaboration is a key strength of socialism and a socialist EU could make monumental achievements in science, technology and standards of living. The question this article will attempt to answer is, How might this union come about?

Article 7 has already been imposed on Hungary as it has degraded into fascism. This means the EU's laws will continue to apply to Hungary but they have lost their voting rights. Functionally, this transforms Hungary into a colony of the EU where EU laws apply, but cannot be voted on by Hungary. Naturally, restricting the power of fascists is a policy I can support wholeheartedly and is one undemocratic restriction which is entirely justifiable. Fascism is abhorrent as it declares other races and nationalities inferior. Ultimately Hungary still has the power to abandon Fascism or leave the EU if they wish not to be ruled over in this explicit way.

However, the treatment of Hungary gives an indication of how a socialist nation could expect to be treated. Any socialist nation would exist in conflict with the EU as membership requires market de-regulation. As a result, a newly socialist Belgium for example could expect to have Article 7 applied to them whereby they would feel obliged to withdraw from the union. While the EU pools sovereignty it has limited techniques to enforce its laws and while it has no army, the idea that they can march into a nation and force free-market conditions is, thankfully, unrealistic. Even so, the EU would attempt to economically isolate any breakaway socialist states as they did with the eastern block as the European Economic Community.

If we consider the example of Yugoslavia, we can see the brutal imperialism of the EU. A socialist nation was offered loans in exchange for market de-regulation. Having lost their key trading partner (USSR) Yugoslavia agreed and inequality skyrocketed. This fuelled tensions and nationalist movements which were encouraged by EU member states such as Germany who offered financial assistance in exchange for declarations of independence.

In this way, the EU split a socialist nation into many smaller states governed by ideas of ethnic nationalism rather than socialist unity. This prevented any Resistance to complete market liberalisation and the absorption of former Yugoslavian territory into the sphere of influence that the EU exerts.

If we consider Cuba, they allow certain levels of capitalist business as this facilitates trade and investment with other nations (Most of the world is capitalist). Nevertheless, they keep such enterprises small and away from power so as to stay true to socialist principles. Any solitary socialist European nation would have to structure their economy in a similar way to avoid complete economic isolation. Cuba has demonstrated that it is possible to survive as an isolated socialist state, but it is certainly a challenge.

Despite this, a socialist EU would not be won by a single state managing to resist imperialist forces, but through cooperation. What I mean to say is the socialist flag will only fly across Europe if many socialist projects link arms. Independent socialist states would need to pool resources to limit the effects of the economic isolation imposed on them. Efficiencies in production would not be guarded as national secrets, but shared with other socialist states. Mutual defence pacts would be agreed to prevent military incursions and a socialist EU would be declared once two socialist states exist. Furthermore, socialists in Bourgeoisie states must rise up in direct actions to challenge the power of their governments.

I am well aware this all sounds like an idealistic dream, but it is my undisguised desire to bring socialism to Europe so having a plan must be advantageous. Perhaps such expectations are misguided, but the coming economic collapse, coronavirus and climate change seem to suggest change is coming. It is up to us to steer humanity away from Fascism and towards Socialism.

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